I emailed the company the information on what I saw and did not hear anything back. The second email I warned them that I would be contacting the BBB and letting their customers know of their reckless driving habits and disregard for vehicles.. because this place repairs trucks! Do you honestly think someone would want to leave their commercial truck with this place when they drive like a bunch of jackasses?!
Finally I get an email reply from Sarah Mayer (Who apparently is the nutbag running HR and wife of the owner) using her husband's account. Her email was so retarded and full of bullshit empty legal threats it was PATHETIC at best. Obviously her husband didn't have the balls to email me himself and sent his HR ho-bag to do the pointless ranting and raving... it was just sad how ignorant these idiots are. This was part of their response to my concerned complaint about their driving habits:
"Last, if you would like to continue your very inappropriate threats, bashing and name calling, or follow through with them you will be contacted by our attorney.
P.S. apparently my response was too
late. I suggest removing your negative comment from the BBB or you will certainly be hearing from our attorney."
LOLOLOL... Just beyond belief.. Ok, so sending a complaint about their employee's horrible driving (which apparently must have been the owner since they got their panties in a wad over it) and the fact that they didn't respond until I told them I would *legitimately* be filing a complaint with the BBB - which they apparently consider an "inappropriate threat" somehow... trying to figure out how?? shows how MENTALLY UNSTABLE these douchebags are. Not sure where she got the "bashing" and "name calling" from? Maybe she's hearing voices? Who knows.. I also find it funny how they threaten to send their attorney after me for posting a complaint on the BBB site - which wasn't even a full complaint - it was a customer review submittable that detailed exactly what I saw when they were driving badly... hell the post wasn't even approved to be posted because of all of their whining INSANITY which apparently the BBB didn't want this crazy biatch crawling up their ass about.
I'm curious as to what bullshit story they would have told whatever slimy "lawyer" they apparently have (or were going to find) to make this an actual legitimate lawsuit... because damned if I can figure out what they were ranting and raving about.
Obviously Shawn and Sarah Mayer need to "up the dosage" on whatever meds they are taking... obviously the crazy voices in their head are getting to them!